Cutting-edge science in medicinal chemistry
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network MC4DD follows an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach to expand the opportunities of macrocycles as next-generation drug modalities. It brings together 8 academic and 5 industrial groups who are experts in macrocyclic drug discovery with their competences covering the fields of organic synthesis, medicinal, high-throughput and computational chemistry, pharmacological and structural analytics, and modelling. It is coordinated by the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, and offers a mobility and training platform for young scientists by means of cross-site, interdisciplinary research projects. |
Join our vibrant research community
Our project offers excellent research and training in medicinal chemistry and drug discovery. We promote young researchers by offering intersectoral and multidisciplinary mobility and training in a variety of aspects in medicinal chemistry. To complement the academic and scientific goals, we offer customized research projects, structured interdisciplinary local and network-wide transferable skills training activities, and secondments at top-ranking European universities and industry partners. |
Choose from our 17 open Ph.D. positions
We offer:
• International PhD program
• Interdisciplinary supervision and environment
• Extracurricular seminars and workshops
• Mobility grants
• EU co-funded PhD positions for up to 4 years
Information on the position: link
Application deadline: August 31, 2024 unless otherwise noted for specific subprojects
Please apply
- for the position in the group of Sereina Ruiniker at ETH on this link
- for the position in the group of Jan Kihlberg and Mate Erdelyi at Uppsala University on this link (deadline August 12)
- for the position in the group of Alethea Tabor at University College London on this link (deadline September 19)
We offer:
• International PhD program
• Interdisciplinary supervision and environment
• Extracurricular seminars and workshops
• Mobility grants
• EU co-funded PhD positions for up to 4 years
Information on the position: link
Application deadline: August 31, 2024 unless otherwise noted for specific subprojects
Please apply
- for the position in the group of Sereina Ruiniker at ETH on this link
- for the position in the group of Jan Kihlberg and Mate Erdelyi at Uppsala University on this link (deadline August 12)
- for the position in the group of Alethea Tabor at University College London on this link (deadline September 19)